Greg Forst - Board Member

Hometown - Louisville, KY

Lives - Western Springs, IL

High School - St. Xavier

College - University of Dayton


How passionate are you about our cause?

My family has been affected by cancer which of course makes me passionate about this cause.  The event is brilliant and really brings everyone together around the cause.


As you think about the three primary board roles—ambassador, advocate, and asker—in which role(s) do you think you will want to be most active?

I am an advocate.  I want to help leverage the website and technology to bring even more engagement around the event.

How do you define success for the KFM Cancer Classic?

Of course the easy metric is the amount of money raised but beyond that the awareness brought by the event along with the fun I see everyone having is the measurement that can't be counted.

What would you say is your favorite memory of the last nine KFM Cancer Classics?

I always like entrance of the past champion, it really sets a fun atmosphere for the event.  I also really love the post party and being able to catch up with friends I don't normally see.