Nick Kellermeyer - Board Member

Hometown - St. Mary's, OH

Lives - San Diego, CA

High School - St. Mary's Memorial High School

College - University of Dayton & DePaul University Kellstadt Graduate School of Business

How passionate are you about our cause?

I’ve seen too many people directly and indirectly suffer from cancer.  It’s a terrible disease that randomly affects people of all socio-economic levels.  I participate because, in my opinion, lending a helping hand to those that struggle and suffer is the core of being a good person in a good world.  

As you think about the three primary board roles—ambassador, advocate, and asker—in which role(s) do you think you will want to be most active?

Asker:  It’s my nature to ask questions.  Hopefully these questions help us uncover ways to improve the KFM Cancer Classic

How do you define success for the KFM Cancer Classic?

Money raised and emotional impact.  The KFM Cancer Classic primary goal is to raise money to fund cancer research.  However, money is simply a means to an end.  The end goal is to eradicate cancer and to provide support to those individuals and families fighting cancer.  Our little tournament raises some money, but I think we’ll have continued success so long we foster a positive emotional impact with participants, donors, and recipients.

What would you say is your favorite memory of the last nine KFM Cancer Classics?

I love visiting with old and new friends.  I also enjoy the shenanigans Kevin cooks up.  The varied golf attire is always solid.  The printed tuxedo t-shirt never gets old.  I’m often jealous of the champions arriving in a limo.  More than any of these highlights, I’ve really enjoyed the speeches made by cancer survivors.  It’s great listening to those that have fought the good fight and won.  It shows that everything you do to support cancer research does work.