Kevin Monahan - Chairman of the Board

Hometown - Arcola, IL

Lives - Savoy, IL

High School - Arcola High School

College - University of Dayton



How passionate are you about our cause?

Sadly, most people have a connection to cancer.  Some battles with the 
disease are won but many are lost and both stories have made me passionate 
about the cause.

As you think about the three primary board roles—ambassador, advocate, and asker—in which role(s) do you think you will want to be most active?

I view myself as an ambassador of the cause, the tournament, and of course - getting great people together to celebrate.

How do you define success for the KFM Cancer Classic?

The Classic has been extremely fortunate to have so many selfless constituents.  The amount raised does not make or break the tournament, however, I recognize that the money is vital to fund the fight.  I believe the tournament's success is dependent on the donor's experience.  We want to provide the donors with a meaningful and fulfilling experience.  The experience should be an exciting and fun one that recognizes their contribution and the value of giving back. 

What would you say is your favorite memory of the last nine KFM Cancer Classics?

Hard to pin just one down.  Any sort of playoff for an award is awesome.  You have the peanut gallery surrounding the players and you can hear the 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' just like watching the masters... only the green jacket is an ugly plaid jacket!

The competition, the accessories, and bacon wrapped dates are also worth mentioning. 

But being able to see the growth of the tournament, the familiar faces that keep coming back, the personal reasons for everyone's involvement are all highlights for me.